Bringing out the best in

Monday, 23 April 2012

Wake up and smell the coffee!

Sitting down to enjoy a cup of warming, fresh coffee is one of my favourite times of the day. There is something incredibly satisfying and comforting about a cup of coffee. It’s a great drink to catch up with friends over, ponder the newspapers with or simply sit and watch the world go by. I would never tell someone to stop drinking coffee, why deny yourself of this great pleasure in life? Coffee has been slated as an unhealthy commodity by many in the health industry but there’s no chance I’ll give up my daily dose.
            Everyone has their ‘drink’. The one they’ll order day in day out. I certainly have mine which the local coffee shop now starts preparing for me as they see me walk in the door! Whether yours is a tall vanilla, extra hot skinny latte or a simple black Americano have you ever considered whether ‘your drink’ is actually good for you or whether it could be playing the lead role in your battle of the bulge?
            In itself coffee isn’t actually the health demon many would have you believe and scientists are finally starting to admit that coffee poses very little risk to most people. It is easy to see why researchers took a dislike to coffee considering the average cup contains about 100mg of stimulating caffeine which increases metabolic rate, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. This led researchers to fear for the health of our hearts under the influence of caffeine but regular coffee drinkers quickly build up a tolerance to caffeine which sees all these effects diminish after a few weeks of regular consumption. Habitual coffee drinkers are no more likely to suffer from hypertension than those who never touch the stuff. Drinking coffee won’t cause any greater trouble to an irregular heart beat or increase the risk of heart disease, breast cancer or osteoporosis (as was feared a few years ago). In fact, coffee has been shown to improve neurological function, helping people to learn and retain new information and improve attention and psychomotor skills. However, at the end of the day coffee is a stimulant and can cause stress on the adrenal glands causing a release of cortisol into your system. Coffee should be consumed and enjoyed in moderation. Don’t rely on coffee as a pick me up; enjoy coffee for the flavour it provides not for the functions it brings with it. When your relationship with coffee becomes one of dependence you need to start looking at the wider picture.  

So, the good news…you don’t need to quit you daily coffee J but you do need to consider what’s going into your cup…

The increase in coffee houses providing a multitude of ways to jazz up this simple drink are what is turning this simple beverage into a health nightmare. Artificial sweeteners, flavourings, sugars, soup-bowl sized mugs and chemicals involved in the decaffeinating process are all making this morning ritual something intoxicating.
            Enjoy your coffee the healthy way by following my tips below:
  • Avoid the flavourings – Even if you think you are being health-wise by opting for the sugar-free syrups this extra shot will fill your body with artificial sweeteners such as sucralose or aspartame which can cause long term side effects to your health.
  • Sprinkle some cinnamon – Cinnamon is one of the most antioxidant rich herbs on the planet. It has been shown to have amazing medicinal qualities that enhance blood sugar signalling, reduce inflammation, stimulate immunity and promote neurological health. Cinnamon has been shown to powerfully stimulate regions of the brain allowing for greater attention span and memory- just what you need for that dull morning tastes great too!
  • If you can’t cope without added sweetness, swap sugar for honey. Honey is still full of simple carbohydrates but raw honey contains antibacterial and antifungal properties making it a better choice than the empty calories sugar provides.
  • If your morning coffee is all you manage to grab first thing, make it with full fat rather than skimmed milk. Full fat milk will keep you feeling fuller for longer and dampen the stimulatory effect of the caffeine which can play havoc on an empty stomach. The added calories will keep you going until lunchtime so you are less likely to snack on sugary treats.
  • Skip the whipped cream….do I need to elaborate?!
  • Go organic- As with all fresh produce coffee beans are an agricultural product at risk of exposure to nasty chemicals so buy organic beans if you can.

So stop stressing about your coffee habit, make the right choices, sit back and enjoy your steamy cup…you deserve it! J

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